Country Squires

Squires Overview

Welcome to The Country Squires.

This document contains basic information about the Country Squires.

June 2024

The Country Squires, founded in May 1960, is a social luncheon group whose purpose is to promote fellowship among men who are full or part-time residents of the greater New London area. The club does not sponsor any political or social cause, however worthy. The Country Squires is governed by By-Laws which are available on request.

Membership and Dues

The process for joining the Country Squires is as follows:

  • Attend a luncheon meeting as the guest of a current member / sponsor, who will introduce the applicant. No charge for this Guest lunch.
  • Complete the Country Squires application form, signed by the sponsor who is a member, and submit it to the Membership Committee
  • Attend a subsequent meeting, where the applicant will be voted for admission. Applicant pays for this lunch.
  • Submit a fee in the amount of the current annual membership dues to the Treasurer.

The annual membership fee is $50, due at or before the September meeting of each year. Dues can be paid by check, made out to “Country Squires”, or in cash at the monthly meeting. Alternatively, payment can be mailed to: The Country Squires, PO Box 84, New London NH 03257.

Squires Meetings and Events

Squires luncheon meetings are held on the second Thursday each month. Meetings begin at noon and conclude by 2:00 pm; doors are open at 11:15 am. Meetings are held at the Center at Eastman in Grantham. The luncheon cost is $25, payable in advance by check or at the door.

The meetings feature a speaker, drawn from within the Squires membership or from outside the group. Speakers have addressed a wide range of interesting subjects including but not limited to: national and local history; nature and the environment; health and aging; culture and the arts; and education. A question-and-answer period usually follows the 30-45 minute presentation.

Approximately 2 weeks (3 weeks for the December and May Meetings) before each meeting, an email notice is sent to each member.

The December meeting is a Holiday Luncheon, which typically includes entertainment, to which members may bring their spouses or significant others. The May Anniversary Luncheon members are also allowed to bring their spouses or significant others. The typical cost is $30-$45 per person. Reservations need to be made at least a week before the luncheon.

The dress code for the meetings is business casual except for the December Holiday Luncheon and the May Anniversary Meeting, in which a suit or jacket and tie are expected.

Meeting Registration Procedure

If you plan to attend a meeting, please Reply to the email that announces the meeting. If you plan to bring one or more Guests, please provide their names in your reply message. Guest lunches are paid for by the Squires organization. If you plan to bring one or more Member Candidates please provide their name(s) in your reply. Member Candidate(s) pay for their lunch. Country Squires Membership Application Form must be completed prior to meeting for each Member Candidate. Also, please note any food allergies or requirements (e.g., gluten-free, vegetarian).

In order to expedite the check-in process at the meeting, we ask that you pay in advance (though we will still accept cash or checks at the door). Please mail a check payable to Country Squires for $25 / Member or Member Candidate to:

Treasurer, Country Squires
PO Box 84
New London NH 03257-0084

For luncheon planning, we need an accurate count of the number of Squires members and guests who will attend to the caterer. Squires will be held accountable for this number. Therefore, please note the following deadlines:

  • Registration: By 2 pm on the Thursday one week before the meeting.
  • Cancellation: By 2 pm on the Friday before the meeting.

A member who reserves a place, does not attend, and fails to provide a timely cancellation notice is liable for the luncheon cost unless there was an emergency or medical reason for not appearing. If you can’t access email, please ask another Squires member to make or cancel a reservation for you.

See the last page for a list of Squires officers and key contacts.

Keep Us Informed of Changes in Your Contact Details

Please inform us of any changes in your physical or email address and phone number to ensure that you continue to receive notices from the Squires. Electronic communication is preferred. See last page for contact information.

The Country Squires – Officers, Contacts & Committees

June 1, 2024 to May 31, 2025

Officers and Key Contacts

Scutro, ArtPresident
Seamans, SteveVice President
Flynn, TomSecretary
Beffa, RichardTreasurer
TBDAssistant Treasurer
Wood, DaveProgram
Hull, TomProgram
Crowell, RonProgram
Friedman, MarkMembership
Keenan, PeterMembership
Keane, GarryWebmaster