Country Squires

Admission Process

Overview of the Country Squires Member Admission Process

  1. Potential new member attends a Country Squires meeting as the guest of a current member, who will sponsor and introduce the guest. Country Squires will pay for teh guest’s lunch.
  2. If interested in proceeding, the guest completes the Country Squires Member Application Form. Once completed the application must be signed by the applicant and the sponsor. Once completed, the sponsor submits application to the Membership Committee.
  1. Applicant attends a subsequent Squires meeting, where he will be voted on for admission.
  2. Upon admission:
    – New member submits a check, made payable to “Country Squires”, for the annual membership to the Treasurer at Country Squires – Attention: Treasurer, P.O. Box 84, New London, NH 03257-0084 or at the next Country Squires Meeting,
    – President sends a welcome letter to the new member,
    – Membership Committee presents Country Squires name tag to the new member and facilitates introductions to other members
  3. If questions, contact the Membership Committee.